[onionmx] Meeting?

intrigeri intrigeri at boum.org
Wed Feb 21 10:24:11 CET 2018

Linus Nordberg:
> Based on the five participants, let's meet on Tuesday, February 27, 2018
> 6:00 to 8:00 PM UTC.

OK, thanks!

> Now, where do we meet? Voice over mumble + etherpad? IRC only?

VoIP would be nice if 1. someone sets it up in advance; 2. every
participant prepares and tests their audio setup in advance (too many
VoIP meetings that started with 15 minutes of "where is my external
microphone again?" and "your audio settings are crappy, please run the
audio setup wizard" made me wary :)

Otherwise, let's fallback to IRC (#onionmx on OFTC? anywhere else?)


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